Preview - Ideal Gas Laws - Connected Chemistry 2019

Applying our knowledge to another phenomenon: The balloon in the bottle experiment

Please set your computer aside briefly (do not close this page) and join the classroom discussion and the physical experiment that your teacher is going to moderate.




Please answer the questions below.

Before trying the experiment in real life, discuss this question with your group member(s) and summarize your discussion below? Come up with at least one hypothetical answer and explain why (min. 3 sentences).

After the experiment, reflect on your initial answers? Did you guess correctly? Were you wrong?  (min. 2 sentences).

How does the balloon-bottle system compare to our explorations with the bike tire model? Please explain in terms of the underlying gas particle behavior (min. 2 sentences).


These notes will appear on every page in this lesson so feel free to put anything here you'd like to keep track of.